Sarah, alone

Sarai lay quietly in her bed and wept. She was alone, cold and lonely. And, it was her fault. She had made the suggestion to her husband that he take a second wife, a woman close to her, her servant Hagar. She knew that God had promised Abram a son, but still she had failed to get pregnant. God must be punishing her, she thought. Because of some fault of hers, He was denying His promise to Abram and she knew how important that promise was.

Abram had protested at first, but when he saw Sarai was serious, he relented. The idea of a child brought light to his eyes. Sarai had been serious. She had meant for him to follow through, but still.. how could he willingly want another woman? Hagar was young and beautiful. Sarai was old and barren. Sarai began to wonder if Abram loved Sarai at all. Certainly, he was a kind husband, patient with her stormy moods, but what if he had only been with her all these years out of habit?

Tonight was the first night he would spend with Hagar. As she was a new wife, he would spend the first week with her before Sarai would have him back. And, until Hagar was pregnant, it was likely he would spend quite a bit of time in her bed. 

Another tear slipped down Sarai’s face. She couldn’t sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, she pictured what Abram and Hagar must be doing at that moment. Her stomach lurched and her head ached. It would be a long night.


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